| ABOUT US The Round Table Owners Association (“RTOA”) was organized in 1972 by a group of franchisees that joined together to speak with one voice to vendors, the franchisor (FAT Brands) and each other. Incorporated in 1981, the RTOA has developed into a strong and meaningful association — an association so unique that its vendors become its Associate Partners and an organization that represents its Owner Members. For over four decades, the RTOA has brought franchisees together to share information, to discuss mutual and individual problems, and to develop common goals. The RTOA works with the franchisor, FAT Brands, in a professional, businesslike manner to gather facts, frame issues and analyze our system’s business. The RTOA provides forums for its Owner members to control their destinies via a unified voice, exchange knowledge and ideas with each other and Associate Members and to articulate, communicate and resolve concerns with the franchisor. |
There are seven RTOA board members who each serve two-year terms. Elected by the Regular Membership, three directors begin serving in year one and four other directors begin serving in year two. Any Regular Member can seek election to the board.
Jeff Acton President | Izak Ondre Vice President | Lance Hungerford Secretary |